White Clay Bar Soap
Level 3 Discount
Indicated in detoxification, revitalization, exfoliation, healing, treatment of stretch marks and skin whitening. Mixed and oily skins.
White clay is rich in minerals that regulate skin oiliness; soften blemishes; they have a healing (postoperative), revitalizing, detoxifying and exfoliating action; control acne; promotes a deep cleaning, removing impurities and excessive oil; unclogs pores and maintains the skin's natural hydration, nourishing it. High content of aluminum and silicon, among other minerals.
Silicon: It has healing action, participates in the biosynthesis and maintenance of tissues (bone, skin, nails and hair). In the production of collagen, also regenerating fibroblasts, helping to prevent aging and tissue sagging. Rehydrates the skin and mucous membranes. It has hemostatic, purifying, astringent, remineralizing action and acts on elasticity.
Aluminum: Antioxidant, controls oiliness and promotes deep cleaning. It has purifying and desensitizing action, is indicated for recent acne scars.
Apply in the previously moistened region, until foaming. Rinse.