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Grapefruit Essential Oil

Grapefruit Essential Oil

SKU: 10150002

Level 3 Discount

Grapefruit essential oil has a citrusy, sweet and refreshing aroma. Due to its purifying, detoxifying and stimulating action of the lymphatic and digestive system, it can be used in lymphatic drainage, abdominal massages and in regions affected by cellulite and localized fat. It is also indicated to reduce the oiliness of the skin and scalp.
Oil of lightness and joy.

Stimulating creativity. Antidepressant to anxiolytic. Promotes optimism and initiative for new projects.

Grapefruit Essential Oil is a powerful stimulant of the digestive, immune and lymphatic systems, useful for constipation, flatulence, flu, colds and cellulite. It is invigorating and antidepressant, it lifts the spirits, improving self-confidence and fatigue, both mental and physical.

With many antiseptic properties, grapefruit essential oil is perfect for treating wounds, cuts, acne and bruises, which prevents microbial infections. In addition, by playing the role of antiseptic, it prevents wounds from developing tetanus.

It's great for treating oily skin and acne, giving you an instant feeling of pure freshness.

Studies prove that it has beneficial effects in combating obesity and fluid retention, helps to eliminate toxins stored in cells, so it is beneficial in the treatment of cellulite.

According to Hata (2003), in "Induction of opoptosis by Citrus paradisi essential oil in human lukemic (HL-60) cells" the constituents of grapefruit oil, citral, decanal and octanal, induce HL-60 human leukemic cells to apoptosis , being incredible antitumor agents.

In perfumery it gives a spicy citrus freshness, widely used in perfumes of major brands.

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